该机适用于各种行业的圆形瓶及圆状物的贴标。采用步.进电机控制,进口操作屏,贴标精准、误差小、效率高。设有故障和数值报警装置(选购) , 与打印机连接可以输出班次生产记录,能自动监测生产状况。
Usage and brief introduction
HHLT'S suitable for labeling the round-shape bottles or all kinds of similar containers.In using HHLT'S motor enables and PLC the labeling process more accurate and stable.In addition,you can add the warning device to print the all data you need.It turn task into fully automatic.
出标速度Labels speed | 0-500瓶/分钟 |
瓶子规格Bottle range | 10~ 30mm |
电源Power | 220V 50Hz |
功率Watts | 2.0kW |
重量Weight | 380kg |
外形尺寸Outside dimension | 2650mmx 1310mmx 1640mm |
标签卷筒芯内径Inner diameter of label's core | 7 6mm |
标签卷大外径Outer maximum diameter | 350mm |
标签长度Label length | 20 ~ 95mm |
标签宽度Label width | 10 ~ 80mm |
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